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Religious Education

"In faith and love, we learn and grow." 


In line with our Roman Catholic denomination, we teach the ‘Come And See.’ Syllabus, a Catholic Primary Religious Education programme for Foundation and Key Stages 1 and 2 published in July 2012.

Our intent is that children will:

  • grow in religious literacy and understanding in a way that is coherent with current educational principles.
  • Understand God’s self-revelation of love through Jesus Christ.
  • have the opportunity to explore the mystery of faith through scripture and tradition.



A core subject in the school, Religious Education (RE) is based upon the scheme ‘Come and See RE’.

RE is allocated 2 ½ hours per week; 95 hours per year.*  

Come and See is an easy to use teacher-friendly material written by a group of experienced diocesan advisors.

It follows on from successful trialling in schools in England and Wales and is based on the theological foundations of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Catechism and the revised RE Curriculum Directory and includes the Catholic attainment levels.


RE Display


Through enquiry based learning, children ask questions about the world they live in. The teaching of RE at St Hugh of Lincoln Primary School motivates children to consider their role within the wider world as part of a diverse society and enable them to live as responsible young people who are able to make a difference.

Children at St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary School will:

  • deepen their appreciation of their faith and fulfil their God-given talents
  • achieve well in RE, reflected in good or outstanding progress that reveals a clear learning journey
  • develop their knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and distinctive religious traditions, and apply this to considering ways in which religions are similar to and different from each other
  • have evidence of work showing a range of religious topics covered, cross curriculum links and work adapted to their individual needs
  • talk enthusiastically about their learning in RE and are eager to further their learning in the next stages of their education
  • grow to know and love God, develop their moral and spiritual nature and deepen their faith
  • through wider reading in RE, know about a wide variety of Saints, how we can learn from their example, and historical religious events and figures
  • be able to make links between Jesus’ life and teaching and link it to their own lives, making links between different forms of Christian action, such as in rituals and charitable acts.




Reception Class Trip to Church 
Reception Class Trip to Church 




  • Read Write Inc award
  • Ofsted award
  • Communication Friendly award