Equality Objectives 2024-2025
The Xavier Catholic Education Trust's commitment to equality in everything that we do. Xavier Trust is committed to equality in both employment and education provision. We recognise the diverse nature of our locations and services, and aim to ensure that students, governors, employees, contractors, partners, directors, clients and those who may potentially join the Xavier community, are treated fairly, and with dignity and respect. St Hugh of Lincoln's Equality Objectives should be read in conjunction with the Xavier Catholic Education Trust's Equality Policy which can be found on the Xavier website -
Should you have a concern about any element of equality, inclusion or diversity (EID) across the Xavier Trust or need to report an incident please contact DIFT@xaviercet.org.uk.
To increase staff's understanding of equality and its implications on a day-to-day basis, and in this way to reduce or remove inequalities in attainment throughout the school, particularly inequalities relating to the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act.