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Personal Development at St Hugh's

At St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary school we go beyond the expected, so that all our pupils have access to a wide, rich set of experiences. We provide these rich experiences in a coherently planned way, in our curriculum and through extra-curricular activities.

Y6 Playground Structures - DT Lesson

The year 6 children have been creating playground structures within their DT lesson. Prior to this, the children had been looking at the different types of playground equipment and designed a playground of their own. This had an extra element of challenge as they needed to ensure the plan was to scale. To create their structures they have had the opportunity to use hacksaws and bench hooks to cut to length small pieces of doweling. Mr Scalzo, the school caretaker has been helping the children with their use of tools, drawing on his experience to ensure they complete the cutting safely and accurately.  As we continue creating our apparatus, the children are adding other elements to their wooden structure. These are things like slides, swings and climbing equipment. We look forward to seeing their finished creations soon.

Y6 pupils participating in a DT lesson

Food Committee Launches Fair Trade Survey - March 2025

The Food Committee is on a mission to promote Fair Trade! They are speaking to children about their lunchboxes to see how many Fair-Trade items - like bananas, chocolate, and juice - children are bringing into school. Their goal is to encourage more families to make ethical food choices that support fair wages and better conditions for farmers. After raising awareness through their campaign, they’ll re-survey to see how many have made the switch. Go to the following website to get ideas about the types of foods that can be purchased that are fair trade: Remember, small changes can make a big difference! 🌍🍌�

Dangers of Smartphones

Dan Newman, who is part of the Mental Health team at the Xavier Trust, has been working with the children in Year 5 and Year 4 to help them to understand the dangers of Smartphones. The children will be delivering a presentation to parents to demonstrate their learning.  Year 4 will be delivering their presentation on Friday 7th February 2.15pm - 3.15pm and Year 5 will be delivering their presentation on Friday 14th February 2.15pm - 3.15pm.

KS1 Nativity 

The children from Reception class, Year 1 and Year 2 delighted us with their stunning performance of The Nativity.  Through their beautiful singing, dancing, acting and clear speaking, the children told the wondrous story of the birth of Our Lord.  We were so pleased to be joined by some many parents, governors, members of The Friends and volunteers.   



Batteries for Books Campaign

The Eco Committe are delighted with the generous donations we have received for the Batteries for Books campaign.  We are excited to be one of the first 100 schools to fill the battery box and will receive a £30 book gift voucher.  Thank you!

Reindeer Run - Woking & Sam Beare

The Reindeer Run was a big success this year and the children enthusiastically took part.  Fun was had by all the children.  There was lots of wonderful antlers!  We are now looking forward to finding out how much they will have raised for Woking Hospice this year. 

Spreading Christmas Cheer

Our RE Committee enjoyed spreading some Christmas cheer to our neighbours in Five Oaks Close.  They joined our Head, Mrs Grace to deliver Christmas cards made by our children.  Mrs Grace was very proud of them as they were courteous and sensible. 

Year 6 - CAFOD Workshop

On 6th December, the Year 6 class had the exciting opportunity to be part of a special session led by CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) as part of their Religious Education curriculum. The workshop focused on Catholic Social Teaching, helping students deepen their understanding of the Church's teachings on social justice, compassion, and care for the poor and vulnerable. The workshop was a wonderful opportunity for the students to connect with key themes of Catholic social teaching, promoting values of justice, dignity, and care for creation. It was a memorable and enriching experience that will no doubt inspire the class to continue exploring ways they can make a difference in the world around them.

KS2 Advent Reflection 2024

On Friday 6th December, we celebrated in the most joyful way at our KS2 Advent Reflection in our parish church. Through their beautiful singing, dancing, acting and reading, the children reminded us of what is important now during this time of Advent. They talked about peace, hope and joy and preparing for Jesus by serving others. It was an absolutely brilliant performance delivered with so much confidence by the children. I was absolutely delighted to see so many parents joining us at church today too.

Year 1 and Year 2 - Wintershall 

On Monday 25th November, Year 1 and 2 visited the Nativity Wintershall Travelling crib at St Dunstan’s School. The children learnt about the birth of Christ through a very immersive experience which included real donkeys and sheep! The whole event was very special and the children came away feeling the warmth of the Holy Spirit.

Year 4 - Haslemere Museum

On Tuesday 26th November, the children enjoyed a school trip to Haslemere Museum to further enhance their learning of Ancient Egyptians. The children followed the school rules so beautifully and had great engagement during their school trip to Haslemere Museum. All the staff were extremely impressed with their knowledge and the outcome of their mummification teddies!

St Hugh's School Choristers Celebrate Success

We are very proud of our school choristers who participated in the Woking Music Festival 2024. Congratulations to all of them and Mr Ellson on achieving a grade of ‘commended’ for their brilliant performances of ‘People Look East’ and ‘ A New Year Carol'.

Family Dining at St Hugh 

On Wednesday 20th November, in KS2 the children had lunch ‘family dining’ style. The children sat in mixed year groups, so they always had a friend to talk to and nobody is left out.  

All children then had a ‘job’ just like they would if they were sitting in a big family: someone helped to put out the cutlery and other children helped put away the dishes. The older children helped the adults to serve the food.  Family Dining means that children didn't have to queue up for their food and everyone eats at the same time. During family dining, the adults modelled table discussions to encourage talk.  Some children brought a healthy packed lunch.  These children with a packed lunch sat together and still had a role to play at Family Dining.

There was a real buzz in the hall as the children chatted with new friends. They told us how much they enjoyed sitting with children they don’t usually sit with, how good the food tasted and Year 6 said they really loved being the servers. We look forward to doing it again soon and it is very likely that this will be for the KS2 Christmas lunch


Eco Committee - 18/11/2024 

We are excited to announce the beginning of our "Switch Off Fortnight" campaign.  Led by our dedicated Eco Committee, the school will focus on reducing electricity usage over the next two weeks by ensuring lights, interactive whiteboards, and other equipment are turned off when not in use.  A baseline energy reading was taken before the campaign began and usage will be tracked throughout.  Results will be evaluated at the end of the fortnight to assess our impact.  

Year 6 - History 

In their history lessons this term, Year 6 have embarked on an exciting journey back in time to explore the fascinating Maya civilization. The students have been busy creating challenging, to-scale timelines in their workbooks, marking important events that shaped Maya society. From the rise of powerful cities to the development of intricate calendars, these timelines help the children understand the incredible achievements of the Maya people. To further enrich their learning, Year 6 used the outdoor classroom to examine a full historical timeline, allowing them to see where the Maya fit within the broader story of human history. This hands-on, visual approach brought history to life, deepening their appreciation for this ancient culture’s legacy.


Year 5 Trip to Planetarium 

Year 5 had a wonderful time at the planetarium, where the children were amazed as they learned about the vastness of space, the fascinating planets, and the incredible relationship between the Sun and the Moon. They marvelled at the stars and enjoyed discovering how the universe works, with their curiosity shining bright throughout the visit. 

Rosary Club - October 2024

Throughout October, Mrs Grace together with Leo and Clement are running a Rosary lunch time club.  Children can bring their Rosary Beads and come and pray the Rosary at lunch times in our Creation Garden.  Update - our wonderful Rosary club is flourishing and now has at least 30 attendees. Please know that we are praying for each and every one of you.


Commissioning Service 

The highlight of our week was our Year 6 Commissioning Service on Friday. It was wonderful to have so many of the Year 6 parents present to celebrate with us too. The choir sang beautifully which added to the sense of occasion

We gave out the badges to our new school leaders to officially invest them into their new positions of responsibility. It is a great pleasure to see how enthusiastically they have already embraced their roles so we know that they are going to fantastic school leaders throughout the year.

Commission Service 2024/25

Prefects 2024/25

Games Captains 2024/25

Digital Leaders 2024/25

Ambassadors 2024/25

Librarians 2024/25

Eco Leaders

District Sports at Woking Sports

Well done to of all the children who took part in the District Sports athletics event at Woking Sports Box on Wednesday 12th June. They all really enjoyed themselves and tried their best. It was lovely to see how encouraging and supportive they were of each other. A parent mentioned that children were even running alongside the track cheering with encouragement for their classmates all the way to the finish line. They all looked amazing in the St Hugh kit and they really stood out among the other schools. We know that the children were very proud to be representing us and we are very proud of them for looking so smart and working as a team. Thank you so much to Mr Trussler for organising and attending this event.


Swimming Lessons

The Year 4 and Year 5 children enjoyed week of swimming lessons in the outdoor covered swimming pool at school. Children were organised into groups across the school day, where they enjoyed practising and developing their swimming skills and techniques with the swimming instructor. It was brilliant to see all the children thrive in the pool environment and watch them progress throughout the week.

Tri-Golf Tournament

Year 3 and Year 4 children enjoyed participating in an Inspire Tri-Golf Tournament at St Dunstan’s School last week. The children came 3rd against 8 other teams and represented the school beautifully. Well done to all of them! 

Year 6 Residential Trip 

Our Year 6 pupils had an exciting time on their Residential Trip to Calshot.  During their week away they participated in many fun actives including skiing, orienteering, rock climbing and kayaking.  

Woking Surrey Heath Music Festival - Doking

Our school choir on Tuesday evening attended the Woking and Surrey Heath Music Festival in Dorking. They sang with so much passion in a tremendous performance with other schools. It was an amazing show it was!

Lifestyle Medicine and Healthy Eating 

On Thursday 18th April, Dan Newman, who leads Lifestyle Medicine at  SJB, delivered a talk to parents about the importance of food and a good diet - Health = Wholeness.   The aim of the session was an introduction to Lifestyle Medicine, establishing the important principles for eating well and providing some strategies to eat for optimum health.  

Please click here to see a copy of his slides. 

We are looking forward to his next session, after half term, which will be on sleep. 

Year 6 - Career Talk 

Mr Lisaka, governor and parent of children at the school spoke to the year 6 children about his job as a corporate lawyer.  This linked in with their PSHE (Physical, Social, Health Education) learning this term.  During the talk he spoke about how he became a corporate lawyer and the journey he had been on to achieve his career goal.  It was great to hear some of the answers to the questions generated by the children.  Many were making copious notes that could help them as they consider what their future career path may be.  One of the key messages was that the children need to persevere to achieve their ambitions and the importance of a great education to ensure these could be realised.

Year 4 Visit to Sayers Croft

The children in Year 4 enjoyed a school trip to Sayers Croft. They were able to apply all of their previous knowledge around Rivers to their stream walk activity, which all the children thoroughly enjoyed. Alongside this, the children also enjoyed participating in bouldering, the activity playground, pond dipping and den building. All the children showed great resilience and team work towards all the activities throughout the day.

Year 1 - British Wildlife Centre

Year 1 had an amazing trip to the British Wildlife Centre. They learnt about the animals we might find in our local area and how rescue and rehabilitation centres are when extending the lives of many animals close to natural extinction such as the Scottish Wild Cat.  We saw, owls, deer, foxes, polecats, hedgehogs, rats, weasels, otters and mice! However the red squirrels and snakes were hiding from us.  They were even able to hold a red deer antler! 

Y6 - Design Technology 

Year 6 children have been creating playground structures within their DT lesson.  Prior to this, the children had been looking at the different types of playground equipment and designed a playground of their own.  This had an extra element of challenge as they needed to ensure the plan was to scale.   To create their structures they have had the opportunity to use hacksaws and bench hooks to cut to length small pieces of doweling.  Mr Scalzo, the school caretaker has been helping the children with their use of tools, drawing on his experience to ensure they complete the cutting safely and accurately. As they continue their creations, the children are adding other elements to their wooden structure.  These are things like slides, swings and climbing equipment.  We look forward to seeing their finished creations. 


Y5 & Y6 Boy's Football Team 

They were very successful in their recent match, winning 8-0!



Our new MUGA is underway!  The ground work was started over half term and will continue this week.    Work should be completed by the end of the Easter holidays.  

Update 15.04.2024:  Our MUGA has now been completed!

Eikon Training - Wellbeing Champions

Our Well-being champions, received their Eikon training and came up with some wonderful ideas for improving our mental health and well-being. We will be sharing these with the whole school shortly. 

Inspiring Assembly - Paralympian Gold Medalist 

We had an inspiring assembly led by our very own paralympian gold medalist swimmer Miss Hannah Russell OBE. The children were thrilled to learn about Miss Russell’s swimming journey to Olympic success. They learned that achieving your goals is all about having great resilience and the support of those around you.

Year 6 - PSHE Learning 

Year 6 children enjoyed viewing an Enact performance as part of their PSHE learning. Enact is a healthy relationships project funded by the Home Office, which this year has covered the role of the NHS in peoples lives and the benefits of it since its foundation.  The performance started with a time portal opening and a flashback to Florence Nightingale and her work with hospitals prior to the foundation of the NHS shortly after t he second world war.  It culminated with a physiotherapist answering the children’s questions about what it is like to work within her role within the NHS.  

Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week theme this year is ‘My Voice Matters’.

My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves.

The wellbeing leads have led a number of initiatives this week to get the children thinking about their health and well-being.

Well done to all the children who entered the poster competition. We had so many amazing entries. 


New 'Allotment' & Gardening 

Following on from our cultural capital suvery, Mr Scalzo has drawn up a plan so that each class can have a raised bed each to start growing plants - fruit and vegetables.  Our School Council and Mr Scalzo are making great progress with the plans.  The 'allotment' will be situated by the 'Friends' container by the KS2 playground.  Over half term the raised beds were built and filled with compost ready for planting.  In a few weeks'time we hope to put a trellis fence in front of it to protect the plants.  

Year 2 Trip to St John's Village 

Y2 enjoyed a local walk to the shops at St John’s Village. They had so much fun investigating where our food comes from and discussing how many local products we have and how many of them are exported from different countries. They also completed a map of the main road, labelling all the shops we could see and the lovely Basingstoke canal. 


Reception Trip 

Their trip helped Reception to continue learning about where the food they eat comes from and they were amazed to see how simple it was to make delicious bread with so few ingredients! The children loved tasting the bread that they made. Pizza Express Woking helped to provide an enriching experience for the children. We hope they enjoyed eating their pizzas!


Many of the year 5 and 6 children along with some other Key Stage 2 children enjoyed an evening of stargazing.  They were blessed with clear skies, which allowed astronomer expert Tom Holloway to guide the children on the different constellations and planets that could be viewed in the night sky.  Many of the children and adults were able to located many different types of constellations such as Orient's Belt and Ursa Minor. We were amazed also to be able to see clearly in the night sky the gas giant Jupiter.  The evening ended with a rocket launch, where all the children used an alka seltzer and a photo canister to create a build up of pressure to launch the canister into the air.


Life Space Visit 

We had a visit from Mark Fisher from the Life Space.  He helped the children to understand how their bodies work and how to make healthy choices. 

Happy Chinese New Year 

Thank you so much to Ms Lee and Mrs Chan for helping us to celebrate Chinese New Year. We learned so much about how it is celebrated and really loved the traditional dress and decorations.  The children learned about the Chinese Dragon Parade during the Chinese New Year assembly today and many were keen to see one.  Thank you so much for all your hard work and giving up your time to talk to us. We really enjoyed it.

Online Safety Talk 

We had our second visit from Sharon Girling OBE.  Sharon came into school to lead us in a day of e-safety awareness and training for pupils and staff. 

Sharon is a former police officer who retired from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) following thirty years’ service.  She was at the forefront of a national and international response to online child abuse and developed the processes and procedures that led to the creation of CEOP.  She is currently conducting training programmes for schools, law enforcement and businesses both nationally and internationally.  Sharon has been awarded an OBE  for her services to policing. 

We were delighted that on her first visit Sharon hosted a session for parents.  Sharon gave parents a list of tips:

Parent should do’s

▪ Use your child’s correct date of birth

▪ Limit games to those curated by Roblox staff

▪ Monitor the account

    ➢ Review the chat

    ➢ Look at the private messages

    ➢ Check the friends and followers

    ➢ Recently played games

    ➢ Purchases and trades

• Online interactions

   ➢ Log in to

   ➢ Click the Gear icon in the top right

   ➢ Select Settings then Privacy

   ➢ Restrict interactions via Content Settings and Other Settings

KS2 Advent Reflection 

We were wonderfully entertained by all of KS2 when they performed their Advent Reflection at SJB. The clarity of the reading and confidence of the acting was particularly impressive as was the beautiful dancing and rousing singing. Thank you to all of them for helping us to remember the importance of Advent.

Year 4 Trip to Haslemere Museum

Year 4 enjoyed a school trip to Haslemere Museum to further enhance their learning of Ancient Egyptians. All the staff were extremely impressed with your knowledge and the outcome of your mummification teddies! 

Girls Netball Team

Well done to our Y6 Girls Netball team!  They played in a tournament at Greenfield School where they won 3 out of the 4 matches they played. What a fantastic achievement.

Year 2 - Tortoise Visitors!

Year 2 had two cute, scaly visitors in their class! Their names were Shirley and Tortellini and they are Mrs Licence’s tortoises. They learnt all about tortoises in their English lessons as they are reading Esio Trot by Roald Dahl, so looking after two real tortoises has been incredibly exciting!  They have learnt lots about their diet and the special care tortoises need to have. They enjoyed feeding them with fresh lettuce and cucumber every morning and they were very gentle when they prepared their afternoon bath. 

Reception - Paramedic Visit 

Reception had the experience of seeing a ‘Real Superhero!’ They had a visit from a paramedic and learnt so much. Did you know why a Paramedic is called a paramedic? Para means parallel and a paramedic is a medic that runs parallel to other medics. They all had the chance to go inside the ambulance and see where all the equipment was kept. They worked out why everything is locked in boxes. When the ambulance is travelling fast to help someone, then it keeps all the equipment in its place. 

Year 2 - Fire Safety 

Year 2 had a visit from the educational officer from Surrey Fire & Rescue Service to tell them all about being fire safe. They worked as a team at the tables to order the steps to follow when there is a fire in their house: “GET OUT, STAY OUT, CALL 999”.

They also learnt that if we find an object at home that can be a fire hazard (matches, lighters, hair straighteners), they should stay away from it. The favourite part of the workshop was the role-play: one of the children pretended to call the Fire & Rescue Service and the other person was the Fire & Safety officer answering it. The children had a lot of fun and learnt so much!

Diwali 2023

We were able to learn more about Diwali during collective worship as Amiya, Vihaan and their parents explained to us how they celebrate the festival as families and as a community.  It is a time to celebrate how light conquers darkness and how good wins over evil.       


Y3 - Design Technology 

In DT, Year 3 learnt about the advantages of eating food that is seasonal and grown in the UK.  They spent some time working out what fruit and vegetables are available locally each season.  However their favourite bit was making a crumble using seasonal ingredients!   They learnt how to work hygienically and used the rubbing in method to make our topping. 

Year 3 - Trip to Butser Farm 

Year 3 enjoyed a trip to Butser Farm to support their learning in History.  They found out how the Stone Age, Iron Age and Bronze Age people lived, going in a round house and visiting a Stone Age camp.  They enjoyed hands on activities, carving chalk with flint, making a pottery pinch pot, making Bronze Age jewellery and building a wall using wattle and daub.

Reception - Road Safety

Reception had a visit from Mr Morley, our school crossing patrol officer. He shared some details about his job including why he wears such a big bright jacket! He also reminded the children about how to cross safely and he asked us all (adults too!) to remember to stay on the pavement until he indicates that it is safe to cross. 

Y1 Trip to Brooklands Museum

Y1 got to see all the different types of transport and learnt about how they have changed and developed over the years. They saw cars, buses, and aeroplanes, learnt about what materials were used in the construction process and how it had changed over the years. A highlight of the trip was being able to go inside Concorde because it is the fastest passenger plane in the world. 

Y6 Visit to Houses of Parliament

Year 6 went by coach up to London. They went to the Houses of Parliament first and had an amazing tour. They got to go into the House of Lords and stand where they would have debates when looking to pass new bills. They also got to see where the King would enter when he opens parliament and reads the King's speech. After their tour, they had a debating workshop where they debated about whether we should have a 3-day weekend... they decided that a 3-day weekend should be law.

Visit from Rabbi Zvi Solomons

Rabbi Zvi Solomons came to visit our school help us learn all about the Jewish Faith.  

Creation Garden & Visit from Bishop 

On 16th June 2023, the Right Reverend Bishop Richard Moth visited to bless our new Creation Garden.   The Creation Garden was designed by our Y6 students.  As part of the project they worked with a landscapre designer to plan and design the garden.  The theme of the garden is based on the seven days of creation:

 - On day one God created light

- On day two God created sky

- On day three God created land and plants

- On day four God created the sun, moon and stars

- On day five God created birds and fish

- On day six God created man and animals

- On day seven God rested

Year 6 decided that they wanted the children to walk through the ‘Days of Creation’ starting in darkness in a tunnel, which emphases the start of the journey and ending at the 'pool' of reflection on day seven.


  • Read Write Inc award
  • Ofsted award
  • Communication Friendly award