Policies & Key Documents
Any of the school’s policies and key documents are available in printed form if required. Please ask in the school office for more information.
- Accessibility Plan
- Acceptable use of Technology
- Admissions Policy 2024-2025
- Anti-Bulling Policy
- Attendance Management Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- Breakfast and After School Care
- Child Protection and Safeguarding
- Children with Health Needs who cannot attend School (Under view)
- Designated Teacher for Looked After and Previously Looked after children (Under view)
- Home Visits
- Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being Policy (Underview)
- Online Safety (Under view)
- Photography and Filming Policy (Under view)
- Relationship and Sex Education (Under view)
- Religious Education, Prayer and Worship Policy (Underview)
- Remote Learning Policy (Under view)
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
- Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy
All XavierCET policies, including those related to charging and remissions, complaints, data protection and health and safety, can be viewed here.
All XavierCET statutory financial information, including annual accounts can be found here.