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Wraparound Care

We run a very successful Breakfast Club and After School club (term time only) which means that we can offer wrap around quality child care where it is needed from 7.30am to 6.00 pm.  Our clubs are run by fully trained school staff and is in our dedicated Wraparound Care room. 


Breakfast Club

It is open from 7.30am every morning of term (apart from INSET days).  Healthy and tasty breakfast options are available – a variety of cereals and hot toast.  There are plenty of games to play, books to read and the space and time to finish any forgotten homework. 

After-School Club

Open from 3.15pm to 6.00pm every day of term (apart from INSET days and the last day of term when school closes early).  The After-School Club is popular and is a happy and relaxed place to finish the school day. We try to make it more like home than school and offer a wide variety of activities available to all both inside and out. It is lots of fun! We offer a variety of snacks including sandwiches, wraps and cheese and crackers.  To see our three week rolling sample menu, please click this link

New Prices from September 2023:

The cost of the sessions are as follows:

  Regular Booking  Adhoc
Breakfast Club £6.00 £6.50
After School Club £13.00 £14.00
How to make a Booking

 Bookings for the Breakfast and After-School Club should be made online via Scopay (

If your child/ren have not attended the Breakfast or After-School club before, or since September 2020, then a registration form must be completed for each child and returned to the school office.  The option to book online will then be activated on Scopay and you can make regular and ad hoc bookings.

To make a booking there must be credit on your Scopay account, except if you are paying with Childcare Vouchers, in which case you will need to note this on your registration form.

To make a booking you need to do the following:

–  Login to Scopay

–  If you are not paying with Childcare Vouchers ensure that you have credit on your account.

–  To add funds click on the button ‘Make Payment’ and add some money

–  Click on ‘Order Sessions’

–  Select the day you want to book and click on the button below the date

–  There will be two options:

O – One off ad hoc

B – Pre booked termly

–  Click on your choice and click ok

–   If a session is booked an O or B will show in the box below the date

–  To clear a selection select no choice for this day

Childcare Vouchers 

St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary School accepts childcare vouchers but only for specified activities within the rules of the Government Childcare Voucher Scheme.

Childcare vouchers are only acceptable for the following eligible activities:

  • Breakfast Club
  • After School Club

Childcare vouchers are not accepted for the following:

  • School lunches
  • Voluntary contribution
  • School trips during school hours or related to the school curriculum
  • Residential trips that take place away from the school’s registered premises.

Please be aware that, under HMRC rules, any overpayment of childcare vouchers cannot be refunded directly to parents due to the tax benefits received on purchase.

Tax Free Childcare

To make payments for Wraparound bookings via Tax Free Childcare, please ensure you select the following:

Childcare provider name: St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary School

Childcare provider address: Five Oaks Close, St John's, Woking, Surrey GU21 8TU

Please note it is your responsibility to ensure you pay the right childcare provider.

For additional information, please refer to


Please follow the link to see our Breakfast and After-School policy and to download our Registration Form.

Breakfast and After School Care policy

Registration Form 



  • Read Write Inc award
  • Ofsted award
  • Communication Friendly award