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Contact Us

St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary School

Head of School/Safeguarding Lead:  Mrs Catherine Grace

Chair of Governors/Safeguarding Governor:  Mr Mike O'Donovan

SENCO & Asisstant Headteacher: Mrs Rachel Pickard

Office Staff: Mrs Anna Grossi, Mrs Victoria Maisey and Mrs Michele Higgins 

Office Opening Hours: 8.30 am to 4.00 pm 

School starts at 8.45 am and finishes at 3.15 pm - 32.5 hours per week

Five Oaks Close, St Johns
Surrey GU21 8TU

Telephone: (01483) 480441


 St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary School is part of the Xavier Catholic Education Trust.

Xavier Catholic Education Trust                                              Telephone: 01932 582595

Guildford Road

Chertsey                                                                                       Email:


KT16 9LU


Contact Form


To make contact with any member of staff or Governor, please use the contact form or our info email address. 

For paper copies of the content on this website, please contact the office via the info email address. 

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