Developing our Parenting Styles and Skills
What are the Parenting Styles?
The four parenting styles (Authoritative; Authoritarian; Permissive and Uninvolved) are based originally on the work of Diana Baumrind, a developmental psychologist who identified a close relationship between the type of parenting style and our children’s behaviour. Different parenting styles can lead to different development and outcomes for our children. The Authoritative Parenting style is associated with the most positive outcomes for our children.
Which Parenting Courses are available to me?
Parenting can be stimulating and rewarding, challenging and stressful and we can all benefit from new ideas, some space to share and reflect, or even a chance to start thinking ahead to the next stage of our parenting journey – we all have experiences to share and tips we can learn.
Free online Parenting courses are available and offer helpful insight into your baby, child or teenager’s behaviour:
Parenting courses and advice – online guides
And the ‘Family Lives’ website provides excellent information and support on all aspects of Parenting and Children’s behaviour: